MysticThumbs 4.5.2 Enterprise License Full Download + crack
It plugs into Windows Explorer so you don't have to run a separate application to preview your images, see them all in the native shell and Open/Save dialog boxes in all 32 and 64 bit applications.
Icon overlays enable/disable and customize per file format / extension.
Maximum image size - performance enhancement to prevent thumbnail generation for excessively large images. Definable for each file type.
Scale Up - for small images allows the generation of full size thumbnails for thumbnails larger than the image.
Thumbnail cache clear - to easily clear the entire thumbnail cache.
Per image refresh - refresh the thumbnail of images if required.
Per image options (transparency/scale up) - some images may not conform to the default options for that image type - use this context menu option to override the default.
Compound file support. Files such as HTML, Maya or EML that use multiple files such as external images thumbnail correctly.
Folder icon enhancement.
- Windows 10, 8, 7, and Vista do not refresh the folder icon for image folders very well. MysticThumbs improves upon this.
- Use the refresh option on a folder to update the folder's images and it's icon.
- Generated thumbnails of images automatically update their parent folder icon.
System tray applcation to inform you when thumbnails are being generated by MysticThumbs. Quick access to the control panel for options.
Windows supported image types enhancement. MysticThumbs can override the default Windows supported image types (jpeg, png, tiff) so you can get the benifits of MysticThumbs features such as transparency, maximum image size etc.
Color profile support.
PSD Photoshop images all formats and bit depths supported. Internal thumbnail used for excessively large images.
PSP Paint Shop Pro images, all versions supported.
DDS almost all formats and bit depths supported for all your game textures. Cube maps are represented as a cross to see all faces.
Support for most PowerVR texture formats.
.wav sound files displayed as a waveform.
Enhanced support for system supported images, PNG, JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF - all the benefits of MysticThumbs customisation such as transparency support.
Thumbnail adornment options - drop shadow or disable.
Network thumbnail handling support.
Localization - 15 languages supported.
Plugin support for custom file formats.
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