Download G-Wizard Calculator Version 3.95 Full (liftime crack)

Download G-Wizard Calculator Version 3.95 Full (liftime crack)

Fill in the fields, left to right, top to bottom to get your feeds and speeds.
G-Wizard will consider 50 variables to come up with its answer. It knows the capabilities of your machine, right down to the spindle power curve. It can adjust for the lack of rigidity on smaller machines. It's Material DB covers thousands of combinations across many families. It has a huge library of different tooling types that you can choose from.
After considering all that, you get reliable Feeds and Speeds tuned for your machine, material, tooling and cut conditions.

Remember thumbing through tooling catalogs and seeing all those little notes giving you nuggets of wisdom about what to do in various situations? Do you remember and use all that? Me neither, until G-Wizard!
We put a whole bunch of those tips and rules into G-Wizard. It knows the darnedest things, and it's always on the lookout for a chance to share them with you in the "Tips" section. For example, as CNC'ers we're used to pretty much always Climb Milling, but it isn't always the best thing to do. As your width of cut approaches the full diameter of the cutter, it turns out that Climb Milling forces the cutting geometry to turn more negative, which increases cutting forces and has various other effects that aren't helpful. So G-Wizard gives you a tip. For this cut you ought to use Conventional Milling.

There is so much more to see that we haven't shown you yet. Here are just a few highlights:
- You can define your own custom Tool Cribs with the tooling your shop uses
- You can input your manufacturer's recommendations for your cutters and inserts so G-Wizard can use those as a starting point.
- CADCAM Estimator works with CADCAM Wizard to make it easier for you to put together Job Cost Estimates for Quotes and other needs. It even gives you back Design For Manufacturing (DFM) tips to make your designs easier and cheaper to manufacture.
- There is a Cut Knowledge Base that collects information to help you get organized about optimizing your feeds and speeds still further to find the absolute edge of the envelope for your machines, tooling, and shop best practices.
- There are reference tools to help you with unit conversion, solving geometry problems, screw thread data, fastener dimensions, resistor color codes, and on, and on.


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